SükaSol's Green Credentials
Sükasol is committed to operating as sustainably as possible in our internal operations and our external missions. Examples of our ongoing work below:
- We recycle content paper and use brown paper towels in the washroom
- In our County Gates offices, the kitchen is stocked with non-disposable flatware, cups and plates, compost buckets are maintained, clote hand towels are stocked and cleaned by employees, and we use glass milk bottles.
- We have an open floor plan office to optimise space use and closer collegial working relationships.
- Our green team comprises of one Süka Group employee from each profit center and they create as well as incentivise other individuals for collective activities such as carpooling, bicycle riding, walking, and home and office efficiency projects.
- Sükasol offers all employees renewable energy systems at only 5% on top of cost to cover admin expenses.
- Sükasol encourages and incentivises employees to volunteer time helping local initiatives where available.
- Sükasol has donated equipment and resalable stocks of jewellery to local hospices over the years and to a variety of non-profit organisations.
- Sükasol is currently building a Renewable Energy Training Centre (RETC) in Northern Ghana to help people start up their own solar energy businesses as well as install and service customers’ needs.
- Micro-credits for graduates of the RETC are provided by Sükasol at zero interest rates.